Thursday, November 4, 2010

Sick Sick Sick

I am sorry for not blogging so soon, this week has been uneventful for me, obviously what have I done all wek you ask. Pretty much just lay on the couch and try to take it easy as I can. Because I am pretty sure I had the intestinal flu right now it stinks majorly. It also stinks that I really cannot eat to much without feeling the bloated feeling when you eat to much in sight of things I really have not. A couple of days ago I had some serious vomiting issues that I will not go into detail here to save everyones stomachs. But let me tell you I utterly hate throwing up and that is a understatement I do not see how anyone can enjoy to do it. It makes you feel so miserable and you can not help but just cry afterwards. But since the last couple of days I feel so much better almost back to normal thank goodness. What else has been going on in my life for the past week and a half. I bet I could not have done it with the great people you took care of me and you know who you are

Well even though I would love to have something to talk about, I can't just that I am so ready for school to be all over. I mean it is November, getting cold whinding down on the semester so that means I am ready for it to be break. Even though my classes have not been so bad thus far, it would actually be nice to catch a break once in a while you know? I am guessing a lot of students in college is also thinking the same way. Who know that might be the reason I see less in less people in my everday classes, as they days go on.

In other news I am so exicited that it is two weeks away from today that the new Harry Potter movie comes out to the United States. I have been waiting for that day as long as I can remember knowing that they were going to film the movie. The only thing I am not so exicited about it worrying if they will do the book justice. But I know I will disappointed in some expect because it is a common fact usually movies are not as good as the books because when you read a book you can use your own intermitation not some one elses. But in that, that does not mean I think the movie will be terrible. I am guessing that it will be one of my favorite movies of all time putting part 1 and part 2 together. Which I would conclude it is going to make a whole bunch of money.

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