Monday, February 28, 2011

Ranting and Raving

I need to let this out, you know even though if it may come back and haunt me but I really do not care. I just wanted to write on here about a particular teacher that I have in one of my classes. Even if it has to do with one of my favorite things technology. What bothers me I totally do not like the professor that teaches it. For a lots of reasons mainly he really does not teach us much. He basically expects us to know, and if we don't know look it up on the Internet. Really
? Hence he has more than this job but really you get paid for telling us go look it up. To me that isn't an educator I can do that at home. I believe I am pretty knowledgeable about the basic concepts of computers but I do not know how to do programming so don't assume that everyone knows how. I know it is just not me who is frustrated if he would slow down in class people would not ask a whole bunch of questions out of class. Which they do not ask in class because he makes you feel degraded and dumb like how can you not know that.

I don't know really he just comes of arrogant, which I do not like anyone really. Also I hate knowing everytime I am going to go into class it feels like we are going to get some sort of lecture of some sort. Excuse me we are in are 20's and above don't teach us like we are five. I guess everyone has some sort of this professor in their life. Thank God I only have to deal with him once every two weeks or I would lose my mind. Not to mention he grades extremely hard, 2 points of something out of a ten point project for something so strong its ridicolous.

Oh well I just wanted to rant and rave for a little bit about this subject. I am out.. for now

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